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How Technology Can Save or Break Your Life

Centennial Sentinel Machinery and early industrialism has built the long path to our current technological advances. It is infinitely expanding and advancing each and everyday. Technology has developed and advanced immensely over the past century; it produced many extensive and simple inventions that go unnoticed. For example, the medical field is something that will continue to expand synonymously with the advancement of technology.  However, "at this very moment, technology and human life cannot be separated. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising" [3] . The field and work of technology will continue forever, which is fascinating and remarkable. Although technology promotes positive products and/or creations, there are negative aspects that come from it too. "Overuse of electronic devices may cause impairment in the development of a child’s social skills. Children who excessively use elect...
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Millennials Are Witnessing the Rise of an Era of Geopolitical Tension

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What is the difference between a small business and a startup?

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What’s on The Drink Menu?

Multicultural Millennial Alcohol Beverage Preferences Laura Criscione Millennials continue to provide opportunities for many industries due to their different characteristics. This growing generation has proved to be a great target market for alcohol corporations by distinguishing their varying tastes and preferences. “Not only are millennials 77 million strong, they will account for almost 30% of the total consumer product dollars spend by 2020” [1] . When shopping, this younger generation values experience and authenticity; and when purchasing alcohol, it is no different. They rely on online marketing, blog recommendations and in-store drink tastings to get the most relevant and genuine information about a product. “Millennials 21-34 represent about one-fourth of adults 21 and over, but they account for 35% of U.S. beer consumption and 32% of spirit consumption. Comparatively, they represent only 20% of wine consumption.” [2] These young adults enjoy drinking differen...

Trust is King When Advertising Towards Millennials

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The Millennial American Dream 2.0 or is it a NIGHTMARE!*

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