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How Technology Can Save or Break Your Life

Centennial Sentinel
Machinery and early industrialism has built the long path to our current technological advances. It is infinitely expanding and advancing each and everyday. Technology has developed and advanced immensely over the past century; it produced many extensive and simple inventions that go unnoticed. For example, the medical field is something that will continue to expand synonymously with the advancement of technology.  However, "at this very moment, technology and human life cannot be separated. We use technology; depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising"[3]. The field and work of technology will continue forever, which is fascinating and remarkable.

Although technology promotes positive products and/or creations, there are negative aspects that come from it too. "Overuse of electronic devices may cause impairment in the development of a child’s social skills. Children who excessively use electronics may become isolated and fail to develop normal communication skills"[2]. It certainly is not uncommon to see a 12 year old glued to their phone to simply play a game. Sadly enough, the advancement of technology is definitely going to negatively impact the upcoming generations for this same reason.

On the contrary, the advancement of technology has been able to save more lives, create simpler communication, and explore outer space. With that being said, space exploration has been one of the most technologically driven fields that relies on the expansion of human intelligence. Although space exploration may be costly, it is necessary to have since they possess a key role in protecting Earth. The main positive outcome is that, "it helps scientists learn more about the earth’s atmosphere by better predicting the weather and natural disasters[sic]. Others, meanwhile, focus on looking for planets that can support human life, which may be the solution to the earth’s growing population"[1]. Life on this planet would be in danger if we did not invest in technology for NASA to use.

The current generation will continue to develop and create advancements that will only benefit future generations. Ultimately, this will produce future inventions that can lead to other breakthroughs.

By: Nicky Vasquez

[1] Future of Working. 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Space Exploration. 22 April 2016. 
[2] Ortiz, Adrianne A. USA Today. 19 April 2017. 


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