Laura Criscione An epidemic is sweeping the nation and many people may be unaware of its severity, or even its existence. The number of accidental deaths within the United States has skyrocketed over the past decade, and they’re not from gun violence or car accidents. They’re from drugs! Drug poisoning and overdoses now statistically kill more people than guns and car accidents, compared to 20 years ago. [1] Specifically, heroin deaths are increasing nationwide. According to CBS News, “there were about one million heroin users in the U.S. as of 2014, almost three times the number in 2003. Deaths related to heroin use have increased five-fold since 2000.” [2] Heroin use more than doubled among young adults from ages 18-25 within the past 10 years. [3] So how do these people become addicted to heroin? These victims did not start taking Heroin right off the bat, they most likely started taking opioids, prescription painkillers, which then led up to finding and abusing hero...
From a Millennials Point of View....