Nicky Vasquez International politics has played a key role in global development in the 21st century. The geopolitical tension among nations domestically and abroad have heightened since many leaders want to maximize their ‘power.’ Just a few decades ago, the United States was the strongest country in the world. Now, there is a rising China, Russia, and Israel. Going from a ‘unipolar world’ to a ‘multipolar’ one, is a new adjustment for many. Countries like the United States and Russia are power hungry and cannot stand to see each other getting stronger. Tensions arise from several factors. One of the biggest is militarization. This entails threatening a country with armed forces or with nuclear arms, by beefing up their military or nuclear arsenal. Millennial’s are learning about WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) more and more within contemporary politics. Another factor is the economy. Geopolitical tensions are driving the market at the moment. [1] Each nation wants to ha...
From a Millennials Point of View....